PractitionerWorking with young people creating meaningful music making opportunities. Supporting musical skills development, personal growth and community through playing, composing and recording music.
Project examples. - WHALE Generate Project: a 15-month project working with local young people to compose and record original music with an emphasis on reaching out to young people who would otherwise be out on the streets in Westerhailes.
Build a Band: a 3-year project working with local teenagers in Pencuik (rural) and Newbattle and SIMD area (Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation - I did not come up with that title!). We ran weekly sessions in each location to learn to play, write and record original songs. The project included the production of an album of original material and an album launch. Edinburgh Social Work Southwest: One to one work with ‘disenfranchised’ young person – singing and song writing. The overall aim was to work together on something she enjoyed and that might help to lead her back into educational and social settings. WHALE Music Makers, Edinburgh: 16-month project working with young people identified by Social Work as ‘at risk’. Composing and recording original songs. Some of the tracks can be found HERE. Polmont Youth Music, Polmont: Working on the first phase of Inspiring Change at Polmont Young Offenders Institution to compose and perform original music. Worked alongside the Scottish Ensemble for this project, so there was a wide range of musical styles and genre-crossing music produced. Moving On, Edinburgh: a 9-session project working with StopOver – emergency accommodation for homeless young people. Composing and recording an original song. Moving On - hear it HERE Springfield Hospital, London: working in a locked unit for young people with complex eating disorders to compose an original track over two sessions lasting 2 hours each. |